How to Improve your Academic Writing Skills?

How to Improve your Academic Writing Skills?

Academic writing is not only meant merely to teach you how to meet your deadlines. In fact, the assignments you submit as a part of your coursework train you for your future career life. Learn more by reading the blog post.

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Academic Writing : What is and its Purpose?

Academic Writing Definition

Academic Writing is a type of formal writing used in coursework at all levels: schools, colleges, universities, and scholarly publications.

You’ll usually come across an academic style of writing in journal articles and books written on academic topics.

Unlike any other writing style, academic writing is a more structurally organized style of writing that contains several referenced source citations from an authority(someone who has been the author of published material). Additionally, academic writing adheres strictly to the correct usage of grammar and punctuation.

Simply put, academics writing is the writing done for academics purposes.

In the context of academics writing, student’s conversations in justifying their point usually unfold differently than other everyday conversations. Unlike everyday conversations which are completely informal, conversations that are instigated to justify a point in academics writing are strictly formal.

Academic Writing Purpose

To understand the purpose of academics writing, students need to be clear on the reasons of writing which include:

  • To report on a piece of research that the student has conducted
  • To answer a question the student has been given or has chosen
  • To discuss a subject of common interest and give a student’s view
  • To synthesize research done by others on a certain topic

As a student enrolled in a certain degree program at a university, you’ll always be expected to write your essays, research papers, assessments, and dissertation in academic writing style. 

Most academic courses test students through written assignments. And you as a student, are bound to demonstrate your ability to assimilate, analyze, and communicate about a body of information by completing and submitting written assignments.

By doing so, markers/evaluators evaluate your ability to construct and sustain an argument based on evidence and analysis.

Every piece of writing has a purpose to it, a reason that specifies exactly ‘why’ the piece was written in the first place. Likewise, in academic setting, the reasons for writing fulfill four main purposes:

  • Summarize
  • Analyze
  • Synthesize
  • Evaluate

To learn more about what academic writing is and what it is not read the post.

The Need for Academics Writing and its Importance

Academic writing plays a crucial role in higher education studies and beyond.

Fundamentally, it helps students:

  • Engage in critical thinking
  • Articulate their ideas effectively
  • Contribute to the intellectual discourse within their field

Academic Writing is essential to disciplinary learning and critical for academic success. Be it essays, research papers, or dissertations, academic writing has several, worth highlighting reasons to gain steady momentousness in the world of academics. You get to learn useful skills like  

  • Communication of ideas 
  • Development of critical thinking skills 
  • Research Proficiency
  • Academic and Professional Growth
  • Intellectual integrity and ethical writing

To sum up, it is through academic writing that students get to contribute effectively to their field of study, engage in an intellectual discourse, and align themselves for personal and professional growth; thus making meaningful contributions to society.

Related: Why Develop Good Academic Writing Skills?

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