Why you need to write SEO Content?

Why exactly do you need to write SEO content?


Search Engine Optimization is the phrase you hear quite often whenever web content writing is the term being discussed around.

With an ever-booming localization of the term SEO in web content writing, often people who are new in the field, get questions like what SEO actually is and what exactly is the need to write SEO content whenever writing for web is the main concern.

Well, here’s the thing! Everyone today feels the urgency of having some sort of online business or if that might not be the case, the Gen Z and the millennials today are born with some serious interests in side hustling online. Whatever might be the reason of getting things online, the main intent directly or indirectly resonates with the concept of generating some extra cash.

Now every business, might it be online or offline, needs some serious marketing to get the word across related to its presence, and about the services or products it offers. Offline businesses usually invest into paid marketing campaigns (for example advertisement boards, brochures, catalogues, etc.,) to get their message to the interested (usually referred to as targeted in SEO realm) audience out there.

As for online businesses, two methods (or channels) of reaching out and driving audience to their business are possible. One the same paid traffic method, the other is the organic traffic. And this whole SEO thing is related to deriving the organic traffic to your business.


Because organic search traffic is the most profitable marketing channel you could invest in to get the word out about your online brand, business, website, store, etc.

So, what exactly is Search Engine Optimization?

What is Search Engine Optimization?

SEO content is content written specifically with the intent of value creation of your online business or any sort of digital asset in the eyes of a search engine. A digital asset could be your website, your YouTube channel, your social media page, or account, your shop any other online business, etc.

Now, whenever you want to Google about certain information or want to look up for certain location map, you input a query or prompt that is comprised of keywords. The whole idea of SEO is to first understand these keywords and then utilize them to write SEO content. But that’s not all! You’ll have to consistently write and upload SEO optimized content for your digital asset to build its credibility in the eyes of search engines and make it visible to the related audience.

For your online business or digital asset to be seen by the audience out there, you first understand (through keyword research) what people would want when they search for something that is related to your product or service. You then write and upload SEO content on your asset, search engines crawl your written SEO content, analyze it, and when the content quality found therein meets the ranking criteria, BINGO! 

Your content appears on the first page for the audience searching for it.

When you create any sort of online asset, let’s say a YouTube channel, for instance, and you upload a video or two on your channel, those uploaded videos don’t just instantly get millions of views. 

In fact, in the very beginning, the reach of your channel would be almost negligible.

Once you consistently upload quality content on your channel, it will gradually and slowly, observe a surge in views and watch time.

For every video/short content that you’ll upload, you’ll add a title and description of it. The words you use in writing that title and description are termed as “keywords”, in the SEO web writing realm.

Just like any other form of writing, SEO content writing has a set of rules and structure that needs to be followed for its effectiveness. 

Now that you know what exactly search engine optimization is, let us look at why to write SEO content and what are the benefits of it?

Reasons to Write SEO Content

SEO Improves Search Rankings

Focusing your content on specific and related to your field keywords makes it easier for search engines to interpret and index your content. This improves your digital assets’ search engine rankings making it visible to the targeted audience.

The game of SEO does not imply that you stuff your content unnecessarily with too many keywords that the search engines get confused. That’s why content quality also matters in making your SEO content work to its optimal levels. And even though content quantity too is a crucial factor, however, it is a factor that follows the content quality factor.

Tip: You can make use of content marketing tools like Ahrefs, SemRush, etc. to research keywords related to your industry that people are looking for and which are also worth trying to rank for.

Promotes your Content and builds Brand Authority

When users put in the query or prompt search engines and search engines find content on your site best answers the users’ input prompt, your content would definitely be pushed to the initial result spots on search engines for the user.

Writing the right content involves researching keywords users seek answers to. This ensures your content adheres to SEO rules, avoiding keyword stuffing. Such quality content boosts its value and authority, leading search engines to prioritize it in initial search results.

Creating content that is helpful and that answers users’ questions directly can help your brand not only build authority but also become a trustworthy source of information on certain topics.

Boosts Conversion Rates

By optimizing your content for relevant keywords, improving content quality, and getting backlinks to your content, you can drastically boost your conversion rate and attract more clients on your platform.

Writing SEO content professionally convinces readers to take action. Once they take an action, they could become loyal customers of your service or products making better your overall conversion rates.

Delights and Entertains Intended Audience

Another important benefit to write SEO content is that the search engines make it first visible to the intended, or targeted audience for maximum click through rates and better reach.

If you write content related to coffee, there’d never be a case where a welder trying to look up for some piece of information related to his industry would have the search results of your coffee content displayed on his search results screen. SEO writing helps intended audience find you!

Generates Backlinks and New Leads

When you consistently create quality content related to your specific industry, others who work in similar or identical industry as yours might (happen they find your content useful) refer your content to the readers of their content.

This is how you earn a backlink and if readers coming from backlinks also become your lead/client, it creates a win-win situation for your content.

Helps your Content to remain Evergreen

Various trends go through several ups and downs during the course of their entire life cycle and similarly if content written for web is not optimized, it risks the danger of becoming irrelevant with time.


Because not optimized content means ‘not researched keywords’ incorporated therein.

When you write SEO content the first step you do is to research for keywords that have good search volume, low competition, and that have been in trend for a long time and are expected to remain in trend henceforth. All these steps help you in writing content for web that would remain evergreen because after all you craft and optimize a piece of content researching for terms that are in trend and would continue to remain relevant for a longtime.


In this post we learned what exactly is search engine optimization and why to write SEO content. The need for writing SEO content for web is critical to increase your brand awareness and search engine visibility.

Once your content becomes visible to search engines, only then can it gain organic traffic and help your content become a profitable marketing channel.

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